being non racist in a racist society is not enough you have to be anti racist

Tragic year we have....., i mean 2020 is a whole history textbook and its just may... like jess.
Am going to start by sending condolences and prayers to the families of those who have lost their loved ones because of first the pandemic and then the ill act of racism. Its a shame that nothing has changed form the 60's except all we have is phones.. Black people like me are living in fear of there lives because of something they have no control of and thats their melanin. For some reason "well trained cops " kill more black people than anything else in the united states. Am going to be honest.... in the movies the united states are shown as ideal...... but looks like thats not the matter. Black people are literally taken as possessions that could be disposed off by some fools. Its sad how black culture, music and more are being highly used in the same country but the blacks themselves are treated like they have no value.. it is a very sad narrative and hope with the actions being taken and petitions being signed a change will be seen. Please dont stop on just signing petitions... go ahead and call out your racist family members and friends because those are the people going to kill others in future. No one is born with hate we all just learn it somehow. Please be the change... thanks a lot 
Your amazing,  your enough, you should be proud because melanin is priceless.
.follow your dreams